Friday, April 11, 2008

With Surrender Comes Peace

Well, tomorrow is my little boy's second birthday, and some of you have asked how I'm doing, knowing that we will not be with him on that day (thank you so much for caring enough to ask!). My answer to this question is, of course, complex. The first part to the answer: I wish he could be right here, right now... but he can't. The second part to the answer, and the part that amazes me: I'm O.K. with that. To expound on that even further, I actually feel a sense of excited anticipation.

This feeling surprises me... I used to say I would surely fall apart if we didn't make it to Russia by April 15th. Since our son's birthday falls really close to the four-month mark we had been told to expect, I used this date as kind of a "worst case scenario" deadline for myself.

WARNING: (this is directed to all prospective adoptive parents who following behind us on the adoption path) DO NOT DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!

I know my positive outlook on this otherwise grim reality is a gift- and it can be directly attributed to the people who have covered us in prayer and love through our adoption journey.
All of the support we have received from others (especially my best girlfriend, Robin, who has been soooo incredibly supportive- thanks girlfriend :0) ) throughout this time has been incredible. It's so comforting and uplifting to have so many people so deeply entrenched in this journey with us. God has moved so many hearts to pray for us and for our son, and this has made all the difference to us. Those prayers and love have enabled me to surrender to the fact that God is completely in control of EVERY detail of this entire adoption journey. The wrestling with God over the timing and specifics is over... praise God!!!... and it has been replaced with an incredible peace.

"I have told you these things,
so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33


Shari said...

Happy Birthday to your Baby Boy!!

Surely God is smiling on your family today. We'll all keep praying for your continued peace and that happy news is not too far around the corner!!

Lori said...

Happy birthday!~ I know how you feel...I too really wanted to be home with Ellie for her birthday...turns out we did get to be with her on her special His time, Lyn...all in His time. I continue to pray that He would surround you with peace until your son is home.

Sherri said...

I have been checking your blog every day and praying for you every day that it will be the day you get the news. I know it is hard to not compare to other families, but it was closer to 5 months before I went for my court hearing. I say that encourage you, that God has a purpose in the timing. (though it sure was hard to see that in the midst of waiting) I was able to overlap with some great families, the weather was nicer and the flights worked out great. May the Lord continue to give you grace and peace.

Journey of Faith said...

God has so many great things in store for each of us. Usually when the timing seems off to us, God has such blessings in store- and it will be perfect. Can't wait to read how your story continues to unfold- and I am thanking God for the peace He is giving you now.

So excited to see what will happen in the next month for your family!!


Journey of Faith said...

Hey, it's me again- just wanted to tell you I love your selection of music. The song surrender goes well with this post- but awesomely with life.
Sometimes it's when we forget to surrender it all to God that we feel the most stress. We sang this song last Sunday in church- and I felt it- that awesome presence of God- with the gentle nudge that I wasn't surrendering it all.
What a freeing feeling when I give it all to Him!!

Praying for you!! Thanking God that our paths have crossed during our journeys. Getting in shape to do the happy dance with you when you get that "call" :0)
