Monday, March 30, 2009

I Home, Mama

Tonight at bedtime, Caleb asked to read the same book I described in the last post. He now calls it the "Russia Book". I looked for it, but couldn't find it, so I suggested we read one of his other favorite books. He then started crawling on the floor looking for it (he must have been looking at it earlier today and forgot to put it away), saying "No, Mama, we read RUSSIA BOOK!!!!!". He seemed very upset that he couldn't find it, so I joined the search. We finally found the book under his blankie on the floor. C was so happy we had found it, and snuggled close to me in the rocking chair and looked up at me in great anticipation. His little face was just beaming- he looked so precious! I told the entire story of meeting him, then of separation (his little face pouted during this part), and then of getting to go back to Russia to finally bring him home. He got so excited toward the end of the story and exclaimed, "I say, bye-bye Russia... I love you! Then I fly in a plane in the sky and go home." He then said in a very happy little voice, "I home, Mama!".
Yes, son, you are home. Right where you belong.


Heather Brandt said...

Thanks for sharing this precious story!


Marci said...

Aww~I love it!!