Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Countdown to Summer

We are now in the home stretch! Just 3 more full days of school until it is officially summer for our older three. Our house is full of excitement and anticipation. Most of the other kids around here are already done, so our kids are more than ready ;0) All of the kids had a great school year and worked hard. We are so proud of them!
As far as Caleb goes, it's so hard to believe this will be his second summer here. He is our outdoor boy, so I am thrilled for him that summer is finally here! It's hard to get him to slow down and come inside to eat or sleep, but it makes me so happy to watch him having so much fun!

Note: I just had to put the kids' most favorite song on here. Caleb just loves it... I often hear him singing it to himself (he can't help it that Miley Cyrus is his favorite singer- just remember, he has 2 sisters)!

It was almost 90 degrees the other day, so the kids got a little summer preview

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