Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Adoption Rollercoaster

Just sitting here reading a post of a fellow adoptive family in our region. They had a successful court today, so they are now the proud parents of two boys! I am thrilled for them! How awesome! This news gives me chills and a feeling of pure joy! Those two boys have a forever mommy and daddy now!

Reading this news even a week ago, I would have immediately wondered when WE will have a court date, but God has really granted me contentment, peace, and joy over the past week or so. All of the feelings of sorrow and fear have been completely lifted from my heart and mind. I am so grateful! I have cried and worried enough! My husband needs a wife and my kids need a mommy who can really be present for them and with them. Don't get me wrong, I still miss C terribly and I would go to Russia this very second to bring him home if it were up to me. But it isn't up to me. That really is so freeing. I have finally come to completely accept God's timeline now, whatever it is. He is the designer of the plan.

One of my girlfriends always draws pictures of a rollercoaster to represent life. She has done this since we were teenagers. If I'm going through a difficult time, she draws me in the car at the bottom of the hill with an arrow pointing to it, saying "You are here :0(". Then there will be an arrow pointing to the top of the hill and it reads something like, "Soon you will be here :0)". It's totally corny, and she is NO artist, but it has always made feel better! Praise God for silly and loving girlfriends!

The adoption journey fits the rollercoaster illustration perfectly. There is anticipation, excitement, suspense, fear, highs, lows, and pure joy. Riding a rollercoaster requires complete trust and surrender. Funny, I always just climb right on, never questioning who designed the ride, how well it was built, or who will be operating it. Wish I could be so unquestioning and full of faith when it comes to life in general (LOL)!

There is someone not visible in my rollercoaster picture, but I know He's there. Not only did He plan and engineer the ride, He is operating it. And last, but not least, He is sitting right next to me too! Rollercoasters are so much more fun if you have a friend to laugh and scream with. Thank you Jesus for being that friend. Thank you for holding my hand and calming my fears. When this ride is over, we will run excitedly together to the next ride of life, and we will go up and down all over again- TOGETHER!


katie said...

I am a friend of your sister-in-law Becky. Your post's are just so touching to me and I wanted to let you know that you all are in my prayers. You are right...It is God's timing...and that is what is so perfect! I admire your faithfulness to God.

In His Hands,
Katie Bowars

Lori said...

I love to sit in either the very front or the very back of the rollercoaster...I find russian adoption to be like the back seat...you can't see what's coming until it is already happening...but boy can you FEEL it!

Riding the coaster with you,


Erin said...

Hi! I received the link to your blog by a mutual friend because we're in the process of adopting from Ukraine. I've loved reading your thoughts and feelings and it's been so encouraging to me as well - I'm feeling many of the same things myself! We've got an adoption blog as well - here it is if you're interested: http://www.riceandpeas7.blogspot.com I pray God's continued peace and strength for your journey.