Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine, My Best Friend

Let me tell you about my Valentine... Just to clarify, I am referring to my husband, of course (no jokes Marci- this is serious stuff!).

My Valentine asked me to marry him exactly 10 years ago yesterday (in Cinderella's Castle!). That was an amazing moment! In the 10 years since that moment, my husband has been so much more of a blessing than I ever imagined a husband could be.

He is my hero.

He is a hero for our kids.

He is my best friend.

He is silly (sooooo silly!).

He makes me laugh.

He is loyal.

He is an amazing daddy.

He loves God and pursues a relationship with him.

He is a great friend to others.

He risks his life everyday to protect others.

He is humble.

He is tender-hearted.

He never complains.

He strong.

He is smart.

He is always looking for ways to improve himself.

He is driven.

He is a hard worker.

He is honest.

He adores his family.

He wrestles with his son even when he is tired.

He tells his daughters they are princesses.

He is my cheerleader when I feel defeated.

He tells me I am beautiful.

On top of all of that, he loves his little boy on the other side of the world so much, he would do anything for him. I am constantly amazed by his will and determination. Nothing stops him or even deters him for a moment. He has driven endless miles (most of them through snow and ice) to collect documents to complete this adoption. He has begged complete strangers for help in obtaining documents. He has only grown stronger as the challenges mount. He travelled to the other side of the world, to a foreign place, to meet his son- even though he has told me many times in the past he would never EVER travel to any foreign country. And I could go on...

My Valentine is amazing! He brings blessings to my life, and to the lives around him, every single day.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to my forever Valentine!


Anonymous said...

Awww, we just LOVE the Big D. Aren't you glad you chose him?

Lori said...

Sounds like a prince...lucky girl indeed!