Friday, April 04, 2008

Please Pray

This was the announcement from our agency yesterday...

As we have noted on our blog, another child adopted from Russia to the United States was recently killed by his parents. Russia takes the death of one of their children very seriously, and as this now makes 14 children in total who have been killed in the United States, we have been concerned as to what ramifications this latest case may have on the process. In the past, we have seen increased document requirements, greater scrutiny on parents, a further restriction on mental health diagnoses and treatment in prospective adoptive parents, and requests for documents from US governmental authorities as a result of children’s deaths.
We have now received word that one of the regions we have recently begun working with again has decided to halt adoption activities for one month, citing this incident as the cause. I would ask that families pray for the Russian authorities, that they would have wisdom during this time.
I would also ask for prayer for the people involved in this tragedy, particularly the other children who were in the family.

The region in Russia first to respond to this tragedy is not ours, but a similar response could come from our region at any time. Of course, we pray that it does not.

Please pray!

Pray for the family involved in this tragedy.
Pray specifically for the mother (who has been charged) in this case. That she seek repentance if she did commit this crime, and that the truth will set her free if she did not.
Pray for the families affected by this tragedy. There are thousands of orphans in Russia waiting to come home to their forever families at this very moment.
Pray for wisdom for the Russian authorities. They want to protect their chilfren, and we want this as well.
Please pray that tragedies like this one are averted in the future.

Although our faith that our son will come home remains unshaken, our hearts are hurting right now. We mourn every time a child loses his life at the hands of a parent.

One child is too many.

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