Monday, June 09, 2008

Almost Time To Go HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've been here in Moscow since last Wednesday and all is well. C is doing extremely well! He has really made amazing strides in the short time he has been with us. We don't have a stroller here, so we hold him quite a bit throughout the day (we go to the market, out to eat, sightseeing, etc.), and this really has seemed to help with attachment. He seems quite comfortable being held by one of us now, and even seeks to be held when he is tired, scared, hungry, or hurt. He is such a sweetheart- he loves to give and receive hugs and kisses regularly! It is amazing how quickly C is learning English. His favorite new words are car, bus, choo-choo (we rode the subway several times), dog, uh-oh, more, all gone, hi, bye-bye, and come on. C has also seen the serious side of having a mommy and daddy- THE CORNER! He has visited it quite regularly and is not too fond of it! Now when he is being naughty and he is asked if he needs to go to the corner, he replies quickly with a strong "NYET!". He is also learning that he can eat slowly and that no one will take his food if he sits down to eat (he used to inhale his food as quickly as possible and would often hide in a corner while eating). He has tried many new foods and has decided he LOVES corn-on-the-cob (on a stick at KFC) and ice cream, amongst many other things. He has attempted to drink our soda several times and makes the worst face you have ever seen while shuddering- it is quite funny! We have found ourselves offering it to him several times just to see his reaction- what cruel parents :0(

We've had a lot of fun here and have met a lot of wonderful people here! There are many adoptive families here at the hotel. Andrew even made a friend with a little 7 year-old girl being adopted by an American family here. They had a blast together jumping rope and wrestling! He was thrilled to be her first American friend and even more thrilled that she will live only a few hours away from us.

Despite all the fun, we are ready to come home. Only 2 more days! All of our paperwork should be finished up by tomorrow. We will post lots more pictures as soon as we get home- it is expensive to pay for internet service, so I am posting this on the lobby computer.

Please pray for us- especially for the plane ride home!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are so thrilled for you! Can't wait to see more and hear more. My whole church keeps asking how things are going . . . we will all keep praying!

Alissa said...


Robin was kind enough to tell me about everything that has been going on and to give me the web address for your blog. I've just finished reading all your posts, and I'm on the verge of tears. I am so happy for your family. Your little C (and Andrew and the girls) are so blessed to have such wonderful parents. I'll be praying for you all as you head home.


Anonymous said...


You guys are home! Caleb is such a cutie! I'm glad he wasn't scared of Aunt Becky.

I'm glad you all made it home safe and hope you are able to get some sleep!

Can't wait to spend more time together!

Dale said...

Can't wait to meet excited to hear you guys are back!