Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Mother's Prayer of Thanksgiving

I am sitting here watching my son at play in the backyard, and I am nearly in tears... tears of joy and thanksgiving. I came in to make lunch and it is ready now, but everytime I call out the back slider to ask him if he is ready for lunch, he says "not yet, Mama". It is a beautiful fall day, and he is basking in the glory of it, unwilling to tear himself away- not even to satisfy a hungry tummy.

What a picture he makes... the sun is shining down on his little blond head and causing his hair to sparkle. I can see his adorable little lips curled up into a smile, as he swings slowly, allowing the tips of his bare little toes to be tickled by the tips of the blades of grass as he swings. I can see him looking down and giggling. He looks so small and precious out there all alone. Now he is singing, and I can see his little lips moving and his beautiful blue eyes squinting, as he searches the sky for an airplane. He is still swinging, ever so slowly. Back and forth. Back and forth.

For now I will let him be... lunch can wait. My son has discovered what it is like to be free. He spent the first 2 years of his life on a strict schedule. His time outside was limited and there were other children and grown-ups around him at all times. As far as we can tell, his little bare feet had never touched the sun-warmed grass before he came home to his forever family. I am so grateful that he is finally home and that he gets to experience the simple pleasures of childhood. I know these pleasures are NOT guaranteed, they are a gift.

Thank you, Lord for the gift of my son
and for the gift of joy you have given him today.
Thank you for the warm sun
and for the grass that tickles my son's feet.
Thank you for the freedom he now enjoys,
And for the freedom he will one day find in YOU.


Heather Brandt said...

This was a beautiful posting today!

Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, don't we all need that reminder to just slow down and enjoy the beauty of the moment?! Thanks for reminding us so wisely and simply. Glad C and all are doing well. Miss you all & love you lots!