Monday, June 29, 2009

If Only For a Season

In May of 2006, I met David. He was 2 years old and had beautiful dark brown hair, soulful eyes, and such a quiet, sweet disposition. I was captivated by him immediately. David had just been adopted from China. His big brother played baseball with Andrew that summer, so I got to watch him play and begin to bond with his forever family at practices and games every week for the entire season.

When I first met David, I was still trying desperately to find a way out of what God was calling us as a family to do. I was afraid. I had so many arguments and reasons why adoption was not a good idea. Once I met David, though, I knew my son was REAL, just as David was real. It was impressed upon my heart that my very own son was living right at that very moment, and he was as real as David was. All of a sudden, all of my arguments against God's plan and will for our lives seemed ridiculous. How could I NOT bring our son home? That was simply unthinkable. Little did I know, during those very weeks, my youngest son was born and given over to an orphanage far away in Siberia, Russia. As my heart fell in love with him, with the help of a little boy named David, my son's need for a forever family was set in stone.

As baseball season wore on, I began to see David in a new light... I began to see my own son. I could flash forward in my mind to HIS first summer at home. As I watched David play with his brother and sisters, I could see MY son playing with HIS brother and sisters. I remember the first time I ever heard David say "Mom! Watch!", I could hear MY son saying, "Mama, watch me!". By the end of baseball season, I was ready to do whatever it would take to bring my baby home.

Just after baseball season ended in the summer of 2006, David died. He drowned in the lake behind his home. My husband called to tell me the news. Even though I never knew them well at all, I wept for the family of this precious little boy. I felt intimately connected to them. God had used their witness to change my heart. I vowed that day to always pray for David's family... to never forget. To this day, my precious son, who was born on the other side of the world, serves as a forever reminder of a beautiful little boy named David. Caleb was also 2 years-old when he came home, and one of his favorite things to do in the first weeks home was to watch his big brother play baseball.

I will never truly understand in this lifetime why God allowed David to be here for only a season. For the time being, though, I know what I am sure is only a small part of the answer...he was the angel who opened my heart and forever changed our lives.

Thank you, David. We will never forget you.

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