Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Caleb Rides a Bike!

Last night, Caleb decided it was time to ride a bike. Once you watch the video, it will surprise you to know he doesn't even have a bike (the one he's riding in the video belongs to a friend and he just loaned it to Caleb last night). His best buddy's dad gave him a one minute training session and then off he went! I was quite surprised to come outside and see this...

Just like that.

I'm still in awe that Caleb could accomplish such a thing so quickly. He is such a determined little boy! This is the same child who could not even walk very well when we met him at 20 months of age... and the same boy who always had bruises on his head during the first year home because he would forget to look where he was going as he walked. Even just a few months ago in Disney World, he walked full throttle right into a big metal trashcan. Needless to say, the trachcan didn't budge, but Caleb made quite a noise bouncing off of it. Poor guy! Caused quite a stir amongst onlookers.

Anyway, I am quite proud of our little guy and how far he has come. With our other three kids, riding a bike was a huge accomplishment in and of itself. For Caleb, it is so much more.

Pardon me while I cry...

My baby is growing up.


Shari said...

Holy Cow how cool is he?! He must be so proud :) His "Look at me guys" is soo cute!!

Robin said...

Happy, happy birthday Caleb!!!! He IS growing up!!