Friday, December 24, 2010

Caleb's Christmas Program

Caleb's preschool program did not disappoint!  He looked absolutely PRECIOUS up there, just singing his little heart out :0)  Singing Jingle Bells was a highlight for Caleb because he got to ring jingle bells during the song- he talked about this every single day for two months and just COULD NOT wait to get to do this in front of an audience!  My biggest fear is that he would not let go of them when the song ended and it came time for the teacher to collect them from all of the kids.  Much to my relief, Caleb did relinquish the bells without a fuss!  He just had to sueeze in that little extra ring first!!!  LOL :0)

1 comment:

Robin said...

How adorable! And I like the Christmas-y theme on the blog. :)