Monday, April 18, 2011

Caleb is 5!

How can my baby really be 5?  This year, Caleb had his first big birthday party.  For his 3rd and 4th birthdays, we kept things pretty low-key, and had very small family parties at home. This year, C asked to have a big party with "all of his friends".  We felt he was ready for it, so we agreed.  C ended up having his party at a local bounce house and C had the time of his life! It was so precious to watch him truly enjoy being the center of attention! It just warmed my heart through and through to watch him have so much fun!

Bashful but elated as his friends sang "Happy Birthday" to him- check out his sweaty head!

The Birthday Boy with his favorite thing... sugar!!!!

C with one of his best buds

The slides were sooooo much fun!

C with his other best bud

I think Andrew had a little bit too much bouncing :0)

1 comment:

Joe said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! What a handsome young man you are!