Saturday, October 06, 2007

Time to re-do all of the paperwork

Well, it's been almost an entire year since we completed our paperwork, so that means it is all expiring and we have to re-do it : (
I am a little stressed about this, since this requires a computer and Word to complete. Our old laptop (which stored all of our adoption paperwork and information) crashed a few months ago. Yes, we did save most of it on an external drive, but that doesn't help if you don't have a new computer to plug it into, now does it? We were hoping to save some money and get our old computer fixed, but that didn't work out, so yesterday we bought a new one- ouch! We've been told we'll want this for our trips to Russia, so we decided to give in and spend the money. We still don't have Word, though, so tomorrow we'll have to tackle that issue! We need to get our dossier re-done so we have a chance of being submitted to a region in Russia.
On a happier note, I got "Russian for Dummies" so I can learn some Russian. I love it and the kids do too! Now they get to listen to Russian in the car everytime we're in there! It is so cute to listen to them try to repeat the Russian phrases! Listening to me try to repeat... not so cute.
I am sure I will sound like a complete idiot in Russia! I'm really only trying for a two or three-year old level anyway!

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