Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lots Go'in On!

Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since my last entry until I logged on just now! Time flies when you're a Mommy! The past few weeks have flown more quickly than any I can ever recall. I have been completely absorbed in trying to savor every precious, fleeting moment. Here's a re-cap...
*My baby girls turned 6 (Mommy cried)! :0) :0( As a result of this event, C learned what a present is, and he discovered he really likes cake and ice cream (he HATED ice cream the first time we offered it to him in Russia).
*One of our presents to the girls was a trip to the water park. C had a blast!
*Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, so C met his other Grandpa for the first time.
*C had his little boy surgery- he was not feeling so great for a few days, but is back to his crazy/wild self now!
*We had a fun last week before school started, including back-to-school shopping and C's first trip to the zoo (he was in awe the entire time and still has not stopped talking about it).
*Today C watched his brother and both of his sisters get on a big yellow bus that took them away for the entire day- he was a little confused at first, but seemed to really enjoyed being able to do whatever he pleased all day!

Here some pics...
C having a blast at a local water park

Beans had fun too- pretty obvious!

Ash- ever ready for the photo-op
A almost never stopped- lucky I got this one!
Ash and Beans' friend party
C had his first PlayPlace experience- he jumped right in!
Ash and Beans are 6!

The zoo

Beans and C at the zoo

First day of school

A and C

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