Monday, May 04, 2009

Baseball Season

Well, it's almost that time again... baseball time! This year, D finally gets to be a coach (his job has always prevented him from doing so in the past) and we are all VERY excited about it!!!!! Last year, Caleb came home in the middle of baseball season, so he didn't really get what was going on. Just 10 1/2 months later, Caleb has changed so dramatically. One of the biggest changes I have noticed lately is that he is developing an extremely strong desire to be just like Daddy and his big brother, which means that anytime Daddy and Andrew are doing something, he MUST be involved. It really is so sweet! Keep this explanation in mind, though, as you watch the video of Andrew practicing with D... he was extremely upset that it wasn't his turn :0(
Not to worry, Caleb had plenty of "practice" time with Daddy!

1 comment:

Marci said...

Lyn~what a hoot that both Jeff and Dennis (and me) are coaching this year!! Fun! I just love the pics of Caleb with the passie in his mouth...awesome!