Saturday, January 09, 2010

Deep Freeze

Caleb's first time going "real" sledding (meaning down a BIG hill)
We now have LOTS of snow

Our view out the back window this morning

Caleb wanted me to include this pic b/c his gingerbread houses look just like our house

Just wanted to include a pic where the kids look warm- plus it's cute!

Lots of hot chocolate around our house lately

Andrew and Caleb playing in the snow in the backyard

Caleb holding one of the massive icicles

Snow covered Andrew

Riley with the icicle


Robin said...

It is cold here, so I know it is FREEZING there. Still waiting for our snow . . . always 30 miles north and west of here. Boo. But, can't wait for Disney! Which is exactly when Charlotte will have its biggest blizzard ever, I'm sure.

Marci said...

That is the BIGGEST icicle ever!! How fun! :)