Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Important Milestone

The end of July marked a very important milestone for us and for Caleb.  He has now been with his forever family longer than he was in the orphanage.  I remember when he first came home, this milestone seemed so very far away.  Although we still see some lingering orphanage behaviors and we are still working toward complete attachment, Caleb comfort level and ability to trust has grown leaps and bounds over the past 2 years.  It is such a blessing that we still get to see a wall come tumbling down every few weeks or so.  Just the other day, for example, I saw Caleb come running up to his Daddy out-of-the-blue to give him a huge unsolicited hug and kiss.  This is the first time he has ever done this.  Giving affection to his Daddy is one of the walls we have longed to see come down.  It was thrilling that I got to be there to witness it.  How awesome to see D's face light up and Caleb's huge grin!  He knew he had just given his Daddy a VERY big gift.  Since then, as if to make up for lost time, Caleb regularly re-enacts the moment and has been showering his Daddy with the love that has been withheld for so long.  We know God is working in Caleb's heart and now we are getting to see the fruit of His love.  Thank you, God for allowing us to be part of this unfolding miracle... we know you are not done yet!

1 comment:

Robin said...

WOW!! I can't believe it has been that long. What a nice gift for Dennis. We miss you guys! My baby is going to Kindergarten Thursday!!!