Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Wrapp'in Up

Time to tell what has been going on in this crazy life of ours for the past few weeks.  Gosh, I really have slacked on the blog front :0(   I feel like I have been on a wild amusement park ride... whirling around so quickly, I am laughing and crying all at the same time from the pure thrill of it all.  The ride is slowing down enough now that the things around me are starting to come into focus... kinda.
Wow!  What a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Clearly Caleb felt the strain of the past few weeks.  For about 5 weeks, he went back to asking for his bottle every morning.  And every time, just as he had settled into my arms, he would look up and ask, "Mama, are the big kids going to school TODAY?"  Every day, the answer was the same.  "No baby, not today", I would reply, "it will be a while still."   Caleb would frown and whimper in response and say, "Awwwwww man!  I was hoping it would be today... I want it to be just me and you!"

What a sweet little man!  How awesome is it that he knew what he needed and he asked for it.  And guess what?  Since the day the kids started back to school, I have not heard one word about the bottle.  Hmmm... we'll see what happens when he starts preschool next week and hockey a few weeks after that.

So here is what we have been up to since I last posted (warning: this is not a comprehensive list):
baseball, gymnastics, hockey (for Andrew), 2-day trip to St. Louis, Children's Museum, 6 birthday parties in three weeks, sibling fighting, visited 3 water parks, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, Ashley and Riley's 8th birthday, Ashley and Riley's birthday slumber party (8 little girls don't sleep much, but D and i survived!!!!), friends baptized, babies born, playdates, lots of random swimming at our house (usually including at least 2 or 3 neighborhood children), even more end-of-summer sibling fighting, several random sleep-overs, playing at the park (an attempt at squelching sibling fighting), visits to the library (trying to keep their brains alive until their return to school), Dr. visits, getting ready for school, first week back to school, lots of end-of-summer injuries, one nasty infected spider bite (Caleb), D and I went on a DATE (!!!!), summer colds, several family movie nights and finishing the basement (finally)!  Whew!  And somehow D and I still went to work and got some occasional sleep in the midst of all of that.

One thing I haven't done at all in the past few weeks:
post on our blog.  And I haven't done much cleaning.

Stay tuned for pictures!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Hang in there! I feel your craziness; I'm livin' it right along with ya! :) Our big kids going back to school has been wonderful. ;) Can't wait to hear how Caleb does at preschool!