Sunday, May 11, 2008

2 days and counting...

Well, it's almost time to go! D and I spent Friday evening and all day yesterday at a wedding out of town. It was hard to leave the kids, but the wedding was for a close high school of D's and he was a groomsman, so we went. Even though I missed the kids, I'm so glad I did! The wedding was beautiful and we got to spend some time with another one of D's close friends from high school and his wife (Jason and Sharon- thanks for letting us stay with you guys!). We don't see D's childhood friends very much, so it was really nice to catch up. Thank you, Grandma F. for staying with the kids for us!

We got home late last night (actually it was today already), and I was awakened around 7 A.M. by 3 little cutie pies kissing and hugging me, and shrieking, "Happy Mother's Day!". I was still very tired, but so happy to see them! The first thing that crossed my mind was that I would only have 2 more mornings with them our girls before we leave. Oh, I am going to miss my girls! I just love cuddling with them every morning! What sweeties! I heard Beans praying later, she was asking God to please make the trip to Russia just 5 days. Later, she asked exactly how many days we will be gone. I didn't have the heart to tell her, so I told her tomorrow I will give her the countdown calendar so she can see how many, and so she can mark off each day while we are gone. Time is so hard for a 5 year-old to understand... it's even hard for me to understand sometimes.

Tomorrow, D and I get to go on a field trip with our girls and their class to the zoo. We are so grateful for the chance to spend an entire school day with them just 2 days before we leave. And then tomorrow night, we will have a family night BBQ. This will be our chance to see everyone and spend some quality time together before we go. We are giving the girls heart lockets to wear while we are gone, so they'll get those tomorrow night. I have also written them several letters that will be mailed to them every week while we are gone. I hope these things will help them to cope with our being away. Beans told me Friday (with tears pouring down her face) that she won't be my baby anymore when C comes home. Whoa... that broke my heart! She hasn't said that for awhile. We have had many talks about the same issue, but I guess she just needed reassurance again, so obviously I did just that (and I'm sure it won't be the last time).
I explained that she will always be my baby and that C can never take the spot in my heart that belongs to her- that it belongs to her forever. She smiled the hugest smile right when I said this and the tears immediately stopped. Oh she is so sweet! Ash is too, of course, but she is clearly much more confident in our love for her. And she seems to really get it that God is in control. Wow! I don't even get that a lot of the time!

Oh Lord, please hold my girls close while we are away. Fill them with your love so their hearts won't be hurting. Help them to know how very special they are and that you are in control.
Help them to understand that their baby brother needs his forever mommy and daddy and please continue to fill their little hearts with love for him.
In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen

1 comment:

Lori said...

i''m praying for you...It was so hard to be away from my kids...mostly on the days we talked to them. It will go by quickly and you will all be together...finally! Take care and HAVE FUN!