Monday, May 19, 2008

Today we saw our son

After our long trip here and taking a bath out of a bucket for the first time in our lives we finally made it to the orphanage. As we walked in we saw C being walked down the hall. I told Lyn there he was and she began to cry. We then were taken into the visiting room and began our first visit with C in what seemed like an eternity. He was again very quick, but nervous to warm up to Lyn and within a few minutes him and our son, Andrew, were following one another around the play area. Andrew summed it up the best, "Baby brother is awesome!!"



Anonymous said...

My heart is full of love and my eyes of tears as I read this... how fortunate for all of you to have found each other. Your family is inspiring. God Bless all aspects of your journey.

Anonymous said...

we are all praying for you, L.


KrisMM said...

CONGRATS on reuniting today with your precious child! This journey has been so amazing for us to experience through you. We are simply thrilled and send lots of love, hugs & prayers overseas!

K, R, C, & T

Anonymous said...

A says "Congratulations about C!" E1 says "Happy Birthday C!" E2 didn't say anything, she's eating ice cream. Hope you're sleeping. Sorry about the bath in a bucket. We did almost the same thing in Korea. For a year . . . :) Can't wait for tomorrow. Or for a few hours anyway. I can't keep the time difference straight.

Becky said...

I know Ash and Beans are so very excited!