Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Russia, Here We Come!

The past few days have been a whirlwind! We have been rushing around trying to get our visas, plane tickets, hotel reservations, and general itinerary ironed out. We're also trying to get the packing done and all of the other errands done that we will not be able to get done for the month we are in Russia. So many little things to think about. For example: I always pictured returning to Russia in March, so I never worried about the grass needing to be cut. But now it is May, and we need someone to cut the grass. Thankfully, we have already found someone willing- thanks, Don! All of this while still trying to leave our daily lives...
I am such a perfectionist that I have a VERY hard time making my mind slow down long enough to relax and revel in what is about to take place. I am trying so very hard just to be still and savor every moment I have with our girls before we leave. It is starting to hit me now how hard this is going to be... And yet we are all excited at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I think about it from God's perspective, there is nothing to worry about. He will hold our girls close while we are gone and He will make everything happen- it doesn't matter if I do everything perfectly or not. Praise God for that!
So for the next week, I will be coming back to read this post at least several times a day, so I can be reminded that our girls WILL be O.K. and that we WILL get everything done that NEEDS to be done. If you see me or talk to me, it wouldn't hurt to remind me to be still and relax. I would be grateful for the reminder!

1 comment:

Journey of Faith said...

I pray that every time you feel the sun warm you back, every time the light shines in your eyes, each time you feel a gentle breeze slowly wrap around you, blowing away every crazy thought- every time you see your children, or the love in your husband's eyes, you will feel that amazing peace that passes all understanding. Your heart will be still, your breathing will calm, your pulse will slow and you will have that beautiful reminder to be still and know that He is God and He has it all under control.

Can't wait to watch your trip through your blog. I'm praying many blessings for you!!!
