Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Praise and the Perfect Plan

Well, I was hoping my next blog would be the announcement that we received our petition to court, but that STILL has not come... Please pray that it comes soon!

Anyway, a big praise is I have re-joined the land of the living! I have had the flu for the past week - uughhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then that turned into bronchitis (yippee). It was awful! I haven't been that sick since college! First the kids all had it, and then D and I got it. Praise God the kids all made it through in just a few days. D and I are another story, but we are recovering slowly. I never thought I would be so thrilled just to be able to do laundry! I did three loads last night (that made just a small dent in it, but you gotta start somewhere, right?) and it was so wonderful! I hope to hold onto my newfound joy of doing housework!

And on to the biggest praise...

I want to say a very special thank you the people who have contributed to our adoption over the past few weeks. The prayers and the financial gifts have been pouring in and we are truly awed and humbled by it all. We have been overwhelmed by the number of people God has drawn into bringing our son home. Originally we kept this adoption and our feelings fairly private and that is how we had planned on keeping it. Why? I don't know... I think we just felt too vulnerable. But God made it clear he had a very different plan- his plans are always better, aren't they? I'm so glad he didn't let us do this our way!
When we returned home from Russia in December, we did not know how we would make it through this time of waiting. It became abundantly clear very quickly that we could not and cannot do this alone. So many people have surrounded us and prayed with / for us since then. We are so grateful to all of you for being "God with skin on" to us. You have carried us through and we know you will continue to hold us up through it all, no matter how long the wait turns out to be. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! We thank God for you every day!
Thank you, God, for your PERFECT plan!

1 comment:

Lori said...

praying for that petition!!!! It is coming and do not worry over this! It turns arund almost immediately! Comes via email...fill in the blanks, sign, notarize apostille, and voila!