Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Amazing! A Lesson in Faith

Well, have I got a story for you!

Something absolutely incredible happened yesterday- it left D and I speechless.

Our flip house sold yesterday(see Sept.2007 post for pics/whole story).

That wasn't the shocking thing, though, because it is an adorable house and D did a great job with it, so I knew it would sell. Given the soft real estate market, we knew we should be realistic and expect low offers. We also knew the average time a house spends on the market in our area currently is 6 months. It has been 6 months.
In the past 6 months, we have had countless showings and no offers. I started to think maybe God's plan was something other than using this house to make money for our adoption. We had actually completely given up on making any money for the adoption with this house.

And then yesterday happened.

We got a call late yesterday morning that there was an offer on the house. It was substantially less than we were asking, so we were a little disheartened by that, but it was an offer! We figured we would counter it and hopefully come out at just SOME less than we were asking.

This is where the amazing part comes in...

Our realtor told us there was another showing at 6 PM, and it was a second showing, so she advised us to sit tight.

A little sidenote: The last time these people came to see the house was a few weeks ago. After that showing, my husband came home from work and said, "Well, I ruined the showing today. Don't expect those people to be back". He proceeded to tell me that he had stopped by the flip house (during work hours- he was on break) to put a new lightbulb in the front porch lightsocket because he knew there was a showing that evening and he had noticed it was out the night before. My husband is a police officer, so he was in uniform. Well, the people showed up to meet the realtor at the house a little early...oops! The first thing they see: a squad car and a police officer standing on the porch. LOL :0) He told me the lady said, "Well honey (to the person in the car), this is not a good sign, the police are here." I guess the realtor (not our realtor)showed up at that point, and my husband got a call, so he had to jump in the car and go. Don't know to this day if that whole thing was ever explained to them, but apparently the people liked the house anyway!

Back to yesterday...

At 8PM, my husband called (he was at work). The first thing he said was, "You are never gonna believe this". His voice was wavering, so I thought something was wrong. Just when my mind began reeling, he said, "We got another was for quite a bit more than we are asking- and they are pre-approved".

I could not speak.

How could this be? I said, "Are you sure?".

"Yes", he said. "Amazing, isn't it?"

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That word does not even do it justice.

God is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! He can do even more than we ever might ask or think. Did we even ever ask him to do that? No, I wish could say that we had. Our most recent prayers have been "God, please help us to break even, so this house does not keep us from bringing our son home. Your will be done". Luckily, we had lots of other people praying for us. Some of them must have been more faith-filled!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who prayed that the house would sell!

Our closing date? Our son's birthday. He will turn 2 on that day.

Happy Birthday baby boy! God sold a house for you so your Mama and Papa can come to get you!


Becky said...

How awesome is He?!?!?!?!?!?!

I can wait to hear all of the details!

Looking forward to getting together!

Lori said...

That is a really great story...God is good!

parkadoption said...

We are definitely excited for you guys. Let no one say "There is no God" and "There are no such thing as miracles". They happen all the time. Most of the time we are too busy writing them off as chance. Too bad for us I say. Just waiting for that court date now. I hope it comes quick so you can bring him home. Still in our prayers daily.


Deb said...

Oh my! I'm in tears. Thank you so much for sharing your story. What a true example of God's love and provision.

Anonymous said...

Remember, all in Gods time ! We are praying that "baby boy" will soon be home for us to spoil!!!! We are so proud of you both and your awesome faith in the Heavenly Father. Love Mom and Dad