Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An Orphan's Prayer

I was cleaning out my mailbox for my Russian adoption chat group today. I always meant to post this, but I never did. It moves me deeply every time I read it.

An Orphan's Prayer

I am waiting...somewhere far...far... away on the other side of the world.
I may not know who you are or what you look like,
But somehow deep in my heart I know you are out there.
That one day you will come and find me.
It's a long journey, and it takes a lot of time...
I wish it could be easier.
But I know that the ones who come for me will not count the cost.
They will only see the joy of finding me.
For now I abide in the fields of the fatherless.
Day by day wondering why I was born here and not somewhere else?
Asking... why my life couldn't have been different?
It is so lonely...
Even though I am surrounded by hundreds of other children,
I know that something is missing... I know in my heart that I need
a place to call home.
My arms long to be wrapped in a father's embrace...
I long to be saved by a mother's love...
Gazing out of the orphanage window, I offer a prayer of hope,
"Oh God please help them come quickly."
Even as I lay in the darkness each night somehow I feel assured,
That no matter how lost I appear I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps, sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching
my lonely heart.
The one who made me,
The God that knew me before I was born,
Hears me every time I call.
He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope to His voice.
But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me.
The fields are vast and there are so many scattered all over the
I wonder how one little child, so lost, can be found?
Yet He calms my heart and assures me that He will find you.
That He will make sure you hear His voice clearly.
He has promised me that He will make a way through the fields,
That He will personally cut a path, and lead you right to my
orphanage door.
My prayer is...
When He speaks... Please don't forget to listen...
When He calls don't be too afraid to go
For I am waiting...somewhere , far...far... away
On the other side of the world
To come Home.

Author Unknown

I am certain that even though our son is barely two years old, he knows he is missing something. He may not know exactly what, but I'm sure he feels it.
Here is what I want my son to know about the time we have spent searching for him and waiting for him to come home.

Oh my dear son,
We are waiting too.
We want to have you here so badly!
But you are not alone.
I only hope that someday, you can truly know
That you were NEVER alone.
That God planned out all of your days before even one of them came to be.
He was and is always with you.
Did you know that you have always had a Mama and a Papa?
God always meant for you to be ours,
Just not right away.
We cannot fully understand.
Someday we will know all of His reasons.
For now, we will have to trust Him, and know that He declared,
"For you know the plans I have for you,
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
Plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer 29:11)
He loves you more than you will ever be able to fully know.
Even more than your Mama and Papa.
And we love you sooooooo much!
He has already proven His love for you time and time again in the short time you have been on this earth.
And He will continue to do so for the rest of your life.
You know what is incredible?
He told us about you.
He did!
Even before you were born.
He found us and helped us to find you.
It did take time, so much time.
At least that is how it seemed to us.
But God's timing is perfect.
Did you know that?
His plan is perfect,
And He made the path clear.
He led us straight to you!
Would we change this path if we could?
No, we would never even consider that,
For this is the path that led us to you.
He has answered your prayers!
He has spoken,
And we listened.
He called,
And we went to the other side of the world to find you.
What a joy and a gift you are to us!
We have never and will never count the cost.
Soon, my precious boy, we will be at the end of the path.
We are coming for you,
And we will bring you home...forever!

1 comment:

Journey of Faith said...

That's beautiful! You've summed up my feelings exactly. I sit here at home and look at him and marvel that he is here. I wonder what he is thinking. He has blended in soo well so far. I wonder if he misses the orphanage and the caregivers he must have attached to.

When he runs toward me, throws his little arms around me and gives me kisses, I can only imagine what God does as we spend time with Him and run to Him.

Praying for "the call" for you and that you and your family are ready and everything falls into place for you so smoothly you can only look to God in wonder and see His blessings in your life.
