Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mama Bird

A VERY exciting thing happened yesterday...I heard birds chirping!

I know many of you do not understand why this is so exciting, but I do know that those of you who have lived through this winter in the Midwest understand (again, how do people in Siberia do it?).

It's not that I don't like winter, I do! Nothing can compare to sitting by the fire with your family and watching huge, white snowflakes swirl all around outside. Or hearing your kids squeal with joy and anticipation as their daddy gives their sled a HUGE starter push at the top of a big, snowy hill. This is good stuff!

But spring is great too! And birds chirping is the first sign that it will be here soon. Time for the birds to nest. How fitting...

Time for me to nest too! Just like any good mama bird would do, I ripped the house apart this weekend. My poor husband, it probably scares him when I get like this.
It is amazing how much energy a woman has when it is almost time for her baby to come.

My mission: First, reorganize everything, starting with the closets.
Second, clean EVERYTHING!

So far, this mission is going well.

Gotta go, Mama bird has work to do!

1 comment:

Journey of Faith said...

He he- I guess we should slough off our perceptions on Siberia. Tim and I went prepared for the weather we always thought was in Siberia. We had hand warmers and toe warmers. We had heavy coats and many people praying for us. We were looking forward to snow and seeing the beautiful ice sculptures.

We got there the week after the ice sculptures melted. We had flurries 2 times while there- with little to no accumulation. We only wore the thermal underpants 2 times the whole month and didn't wear the tops at all.

Where we live in Ohio, it has been warm and rainy most of the winter. Only a little bit of snow. So we, the adventurers we are were in Siberia enjoying the upper 30-40's weather while Ohio had almost 2 feet of snow dumped one weekend

Isn't the irony priceless?